There are many alternative systems and units of measurement in the world, and, probably, each of us has more than once encountered the need to convert units from one measurement system to another, as well as the desire to calculate some value using a specific formula, perhaps very simple, but quite boring. Manual calculations are fraught with errors, so many specialized calculators and unit converters have been developed from various measurement systems, both widely used (metric conversion, American) and quite exotic (Japanese, ancient Greek, Old Russian).
A unit converter is a useful tool for everyone. It doesn’t matter how often you have to convert units of measurement. This certainly happens from time to time. To avoid looking for a unit converter using search engines, much less translating tables manually, we suggest installing the application on your smartphone once and for all. It will take up little space but will save a lot of time.
The simplest application, called OneConvert, allows you to perform any operation in a minute. This unit converter functional lets you set the value for translation and scroll through the list opposite until you see the desired unit. The unit of conversion measurements occurs instantly, without the slightest delay.
And even more: it can convert your files as well as units. For example you can convert Ebooks to PDF to read them online without installing additional software.
It must be said that the design of OneConvert is inconspicuous but laconic, which makes the interface as clear as possible. However, design is only one of the advantages of the application. Its feature is the presence of more than 450 units of measurement and, of course, the English language.
Categories available in the app include acceleration, angle, area, astronomical units, culinary units, currencies, data, data transfer, energy, flow rate, force, frequency, fuel consumption, length, lighting, power, productivity, pressure, radiation, speed, temperature, time, torque, typography, volume, mass.
Converters of quantities and units of measurement
There is a very good universal program called Versaverter for converting values – a powerful converter that supports about 800 conversion types. The current version of the program is
If you are an engineer or a student, this free utility can make your life much easier. Versaverter converts quantities into various measurement systems and offers 39 categories, including typography, data communication, length, energy, mass, etc.
At the same time, units of measurement and categories are constantly being added. You can automatically update the conversion module inside the Versaverter application by clicking the “Check for updates” icon. Then, a new Units.xml file with additions will be automatically downloaded, and a fresh database of convertible units will be installed.
Conversions In Hand
Surely, many PDA users will like the powerful Conversions In Hand (CIH, current version 3.5) unit converter, which supports more than 200 data types, including currencies of different countries. Because exchange rates change rapidly, you can update your currency translation settings online by downloading an updated cross-rate file from CIH manufacturer BurrOak ( or adjusting the rate manually.
CIH implements different conversion formulas – from converting clothing and shoe sizes for the USA, UK, Europe, and Japan to calculating VAT. In addition to translation formulas, CIH contains reference data on telephone codes and numbers of various countries and cities and easily calculates the number of days between two specified dates according to the calendar.
Unit Converter
Free App is a famous app on the Play Store that is useful and straightforward. This app presents over 150 coins and 1,400 units in 80 categories, making it one of the most exhaustive unit converters. It is a perfect app for architects, students, educators, and professionals from all walks of life. The user-friendly app delivers users a manageable interface to transform their measurements.
Unit Converter Ultimate
Unit Converter Ultimate is a universal and customizable unit conversion app on the Android store. This is an excellent app for individuals who want to customize their unit online conversion app to suit their needs. The app suggests over 50 classes for conversion, including torque, electronegativity, and even radiation. It also supplies users with a calculator component, making it an ideal app for engineers, scientists, and students.
Unit Converter is a user-friendly app with a simple interface for converting units of measurement. This is an excellent app for somebody who prefers minimalistic design. The app has many conversion types: length, temperature, currency conversion, etc. It also delivers customizable display settings for users who prefer a personalized experience.
In conclusion, with these five best unit transformation apps, you will never have to worry about converting additional units of measurement. These apps deliver a wide range of conversion types, permitting users to convert on the go. They supply various components, such as a calculator, currency converter, and customizable choices, making them perfect for students, experts, engineers, and tourists. Download the app that best suits your needs and convert it conveniently through your mobile gadget.