इस पोस्ट मे आपको Whatsapp About Lines Attitude की एक पूरी लिस्ट दी गी है। आप मे से कई लोग Whatsapp About Lines for girl and boy के लिए दिया गया है। तो आप व्हाट्सएप के लिए इस स्टेटस को वन लाइन में कॉपी कर सकते हैं और अपने दोस्तों के साथ साझा कर सकते हैं।
क्योंकि हर कोई अपने whatsapp profile को अच्छा दिखाना चाहता है। इसलिए हर कोई Whatsapp About Lines In Hindi – वन लाइन स्टेटस ढूंढते है। इसलिए यहा पर whatsapp ID के लिए कई प्रकार के नए और अच्छे about lines दिए गए है। तो चलिए जानते है इनके बारे में।

Whatsapp About Lines Attitude
- I didn’t change, I just woke up.😋
- If you can’t convince them, confuse them.😋
- I’m sexy & I know it.😋
- Good girls are bad girls, who never get caught.😋
- Keep calm & just chill.😋
- The PRETTIEST girls go through the UGLIEST Shit.😋
- Hey There! I Am Using your Girlfriend.😋
- I love my haters, They make me famous.😋
- Be what you want to be, not what other wants to see.😋
- You are so awesome that, my middle finger salutes you.😋
- I only Respect People who Deserve to be Respected.😋
Best WhatsApp Status In One Line
- I am not lazy, I just rest before I tired.✂️
- I Fell in Love with you More than once.✂️
- if They are animals then I would be a monster.✂️
- Totally available!! Please disturb to me!!✂️
- If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.✂️
- Do what’s right not easy.✂️
- I plan to make rest of my life, the best of my life!✂️
- Forget your age and live your life.✂️
- Silence is better than lies.✂️
- Genius by birth, evil by choice.✂️
- Don’t blame me, I was born awesome.✂️
- I got less, but I got best!✂️
- If you are bad, Then call me your dad.✂️

Whatsapp About Lines Love
- True love does not have a happy ending, because true love doesn’t end.📋
- I don’t want to be your number one, I want to be your only one.📋
- Do what is “Right”, not what is “Easy”.📋
- We mature with the damage Not over the years.📋
- Some Surprises are never Forgotten, and Some are Never Forgiven.📋
- The good things in life are better with you.📋
- Suddenly all the love songs are about you.📋
- If it is real, it will never be over.📋
- ove is all you need.📋
- You have no idea how fast my heart beats when I see you.📋
- I won’t give up on you… so please don’t give up on me.📋
Whatsapp About Lines Stylish With Emoji
- #They say life gets better. When?💠
- #Emptiness feels so heavy.💠
- #Sometimes when I close my eyes, I can’t see.💠
- #Missing someone is a part of loving them…!!💠
- #The biggest slap to your enemies is your success.💠
- #A true friend is the greatest of all blessings.💠
- #C.L.A.S.S – Come late and start sleeping💠
- #I don’t miss him, I miss who I thought he was.💠
- #An unexamined life is not worth living.💠
- #If you can dream it. You can do it.💠
- #Dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions.💠
- #I love my job only when I’m on vacation.💠
- #I hope you forget me but ever time I missing you….💠
- #I talk to god but the sky is empty.💠
- #Love has no age, no limit; and no death.💠
- #It’s not an attitude , it’s the way I am.💠
- #Friends are the family you choose.💠
Whatsapp About Lines For Boys
- Love has no age, no limit; and no death.🥰
- It’s not an attitude , it’s the way I am.🥰
- To me, your perfect.🥰
- Think big thoughts but relish small pleasures.🥰
- I may not be the boy you want…🥰
- I’m not heartless, I just learned how to use my heart LESS.🥰
- I’m the boy you can only dream of and never get!🥰
- Friends are the family you choose.🥰
- It is better to be single than being with somebody who makes you feel alone.🥰
- Life is easy, but the queen is busy.♕
- Love me hate me, I just don’t care.🥰
- Love your independence.🥰
- You Can’t Have a Positive Life with a Negative Mind.🥰
- Enjoy it, before it melts. Life is like Icecream.🥰
Whatsapp About Lines For Girls
- They say life gets better. When?😭
- Emptiness feels so heavy.😭
- Sometimes when I close my eyes, I can’t see.😭
- Missing someone is a part of loving them…!!😭
- The biggest slap to your enemies is your success.😭
- A true friend is the greatest of all blessings.😭
- I’m never trashy, I’m Always classy, and a little bit sassy.😭
- I may not be perfect but I am one of a kind.😭
- Never forget to wear your invisible crown.😭
- I only listen to the voices inside me.😭
- Fries before guys.😭
- Pizza is my bae.😭
- I mute the nonsense coming from the world.😭
- Dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions.😭
- I love my job only when I’m on vacation.😭
- I talk to god but the sky is empty.😭
- My life, my rule, that’s my attitude…😭
- In the beginning, you’ll judge me, by the end, you’ll love me.😭
- I don’t look back unless there is a good view.😭
- I’m a very private person. You don’t ask I don’t tell.😭
- I hope you forget me but ever time I missing you….😭
- Wake up and makeup!😭
- Cruise ahead, no matter what.😭
- I am not wrong, said no wise girl ever.😭
- Being stylish comes from my DNA.😭
Whatsapp About Lines Life
- Life is one-time offer, use it well.💛
- Life is never easy for those who dream.💛
- You change your life by changing your heart.💛
- Live and let live.💛
- Life is a beautiful struggle.💛
- Live each day as if it’s your last.💛
- Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.💛
- Life is just a bowl of cherries.💛
- Life is just a journey.💛
- Enjoy life. It comes with expiry date.💛
- My life is my message.💛
Short Whatsapp About Lines
- Extraordinary and outstanding.💚
- Pure gold.💚
- Unbreakable.💚
- I can and I will.💚
- My life, My rules.💚
- Classy and Badass!💚
- Game changer!💚
- Unstoppable.💚
- Attitude comes from my blood.💚
- Am odd but also number one.💚
- Valuable, not available.💚
- A glorious mess.💚
- Girl Boss.💚
- Live, Learn, Upgrade.💚
- Deal with it.💚
- Original and limited edition.💚
- Who cares!💚
- Fearless.💚
- Powerful and Bold.💚
- Optimistic Diva.💚
- Unbeatable.💚
- Solo ride until I die.💚
- Normal is boring.💚
- I am me.💚
- Life is too short for long messages.💚
- Zero expectations, Zero disappointments.💚
- Can slay them all.💚
- I complete me.💚
Whatsapp About Lines In English
- Don’t go through life, grow through life.💙
- Good Morning, let the stress begin…💙
- I am not wrong, said no wise girl ever.💙
- Being stylish comes from my DNA.💙
- Say it on my face, I don’t like voicemails.💙
- One Line Status for Whatsapp💙
- You can’t be happy unless you’re unhappy sometimes.💙
- To be happy, we must not be too concerned with others.💙
- If you can’t find the key to success, pick the lock.💙
- My heart told me it’s definitely you.💙
- I am too lazy to be lazy.💙
- Coffee, Sarcasm, and Lipstick, are all I need.💙
- May not be the best, but of course better than the rest.💙
- Wake up and makeup!💙
- Cruise ahead, no matter what.💙
Whatsapp About Lines
Life is Short – Chat Fast!💜
Your potted crops stay alive.♥️
whatsapp about lines
Life goes on… With or without you!💜
Love is friendship set on fire.♥️
whatsapp about lines attitude
You lose the midnight essential oil till PM.💜
No expectations, No disappointments.♥️
whatsapp about lines stylish
I tried to capture fog last night, Mist.💜
You are pleased with your grass mower.♥️
whatsapp about lines love
I’m great during intercourse – breakfast.💜
Stars can’t shine without darkness.♥️
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Silence speaks a thousand words.💜
Your products strutted off without you!♥️
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Sometimes you have to lose the battle to win the war.💜
Silence is the loudest voice.♥️
whatsapp about lines attitude in hindi
I’m not a vegetarian but I eat animals who are.💜
Don’t settle for good. Demand Great!♥️
whatsapp about lines in english
Whatsapp About Lines In Hindi
- मैं केवल अपने भीतर की आवाजें सुनता हूं।❤️
- दोस्तों से पहले फ्राइज़।❤️
- पिज्जा मेरा बीए है।❤️
- मैं दुनिया से आने वाली बकवास को म्यूट करता हूं।❤️
- सपने आज के कल के सवालों के जवाब हैं।❤️
- मैं अपने काम से तभी प्यार करता हूँ जब मैं छुट्टी पर होता हूँ।❤️
- मैं भगवान से बात करता हूं लेकिन आसमान खाली है।❤️
- मेरा जीवन, मेरा नियम, यही मेरा दृष्टिकोण है…❤️
- शुरुआत में आप मुझे जज करेंगे, अंत में आप मुझे प्यार करेंगे।❤️
- मैं तब तक पीछे मुड़कर नहीं देखता जब तक कि कोई अच्छा दृश्य न हो।❤️
- लोग मुझे बुरा कहते हैं, मेरा विश्वास करो मैं सबसे बुरा हूँ!❤️
- एक खूबसूरत दोस्ती लोगों को बदल सकती है।❤️
- मैं अकेला नहीं हूँ। मुझे सिर्फ रोमांटिक रूप से चुनौती दी गई है।❤️
- सफलता की तरफ जाने वाली सड़क पर हमेशा कार्य चलता रहता है।❤️
- जहाँ प्यार है, वहाँ जीवन है।❤️
- प्यार अंधा है; दोस्ती अपनी आंखें बंद रखती है।❤️
- पूरी तरह से उपलब्ध! कृपया मुझे परेशान करें…❤️
मेरे ख्याल से आप सभी को Whatsapp About Lines In English, Hindi for boys and girls मे जरूर पसंद आया होगा। साथ ही इस पोस्ट मे मैने Whatsapp About Lines Attitude, sad, love, cool मे और इसी तरह के कई प्रकार के बारे मे बताया है। बाकी पोस्ट को शेयर जरूर करें।
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