Birthday Wishes for Son: Wish, Messages, Quotes, Status for Son, Seeing it from your side, planning to become an adult of success and goodness, we know that on this special day you want a happy birthday for your son and you don’t have any The clue where to start organizing your emotions. If you want to wish some special birthday wishes for your beloved adult or recently born 1st, 2nd, annual 3rd -year-old son, you are in the ideal place. Next, we will provide a list of birthday wishes quotes and messages for the son using pictures. Happy Birthday Wishes for a Son.

Happy Birthday Wishes for Son
Happy Birthday. Son, my birthday wish for you is that each year brings you: more wisdom; more dreams; more laughter; and more wishes.Status for Son
I hope that you always look ahead in life with a smile on your face and look back with fondness in your heart. I wish you endless joy in life on your birthday, and may it be filled with wonder and delight this year.
Birthday Wishes For Son
I am grateful every day that you came into my world. Your smiles and laughter are a balm to my heart. You have brought nothing but happiness into my life. Happy birthday, son!
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to feel such an all-encompassing love. You fill my days with warmth, wonder, and joy. I hope your birthday is filled with the same.Status for Son
Birthday Wishes For Son
When times are tough, all it takes are thoughts of you to pull me through. Your hugs and kisses nourish my soul, and I’m so grateful that I have a son as precious as you. Status for Son
I wish you a happy birthday, which you grow strong and happy, which you always chase your own dreams and you develop into the person who you desire. I’ll always be here to support you.
Birthday Wishes For Son

Happy 1st, 2nd, annual 3rd birthday to my favorite Son! Enjoy your day!
Dear son, as the day that you came into my life I’ve longed to see you grow and become a fantastic man. Today I can say with assurance that my longing has come true. Congratulations!
A day just like today you gladdened the planet with your arrival and my life changed entirely.
birthday wishes for my son first birthday
However many years pass, you’ll always be my little kids. Status for Son
Nobody but I might wish you such delights, because when you’re happy, I’m happy also, and also to see you happy is I reside.
birthday wishes for my son first birthday
My pleasure is complete on the day you’re born and we form a household, but I would like to celebrate this superb occasion with you.
Providence sent me a present after. A present that filled my life with love and enjoyment. That present was everything. This was you.
birthday wishes for my son first birthday

I Love You Son Quotes
Son, nothing compares to the happy joy of watching you grow every year. With this date, we wish to remind you just how important you are to us. Congratulations!
When you were born, I couldn’t even fathom how much you’d come to mean to me. You are my everything. May your special day be filled with untold splendor. Happy birthday!
I love you my son
I hope that this year your birthday is just the beginning of an unforgettable journey that will lead you to an even more amazing future. Remember always to continue to wish and dream.Status for Son
If I look back at everything I’ve done in life, you’re easily the best thing I’ve ever created. It’s honestly a miracle that I was able to have a son as delightful and genuine as you.
I love you my son
I have such sweet memories of you as a child, but I have faith that your future will hold even sweeter ones. I hope your cake is half as sweet as you are. Happy birthday, son!Status for Son
This year on your birthday I am so grateful that you’ve grown into such a bright and capable young man. It is such a comfort to know that whatever life throws your way you will always be able to handle it.
I love you my son

How can I say happy birthday to my Son?
On your birthday I wish that I could stop time. Not only to keep you with me forever but so that I can stop feeling so old! Happy birthday to my son who at least makes me feel young at heart.
Son, today you flip years recall with joy the way the day of your arrival was among the most beautiful of my life, the illusion which in the long run you’d be my manifestation. Let us celebrate together! happy birthday son
Birthday Wishes For Son
Several decades back, on a morning such as this, your mom and I had the pleasure of inviting you into this world. Time has passed, and that beautiful baby is now a person, but the illusion of watching your grin stays the same. Congratulations son, now that you’re an adult we want you to enjoy a life filled with pleasures and successes.
You’re among the best things which have occurred to me in this life. That is why I thank God, for giving me a son as fantastic as you. Happy Birthday.
Birthday Wishes For Son
I find you mature, prepared to confront life, the pride I feel in being your dad is something which can’t be described. I invite the life this day you observe an additional year.
There’s not any greater gift for a dad than to see his son grow up healthy and happy. We feel tremendously thankful for the life of being in a position to get you by our side an additional year.
Birthday Wishes For Son

How do you say happy birthday to a friend’s Son?
Today isn’t any day. Today we observe the simple fact of being in a position to delight in your presence and business for a different year.
Son, the day that you were born, a new universe was made. Being the mom of a kid as happy as you was a beautiful experience and constantly enriching. Today about the anniversary of your arrival I wish to remind you that you’re the light of my life. Congratulations!
Birthday Wishes For Son
My joy in having you as my son is something that can’t be measured. It can only be felt through lots of hugs, kisses, and adoration. I’m so happy I was blessed with a son as astounding as you.
Since the day you were born you have brought nothing but meaning and joy into my life. You are a fantastic son, and I feel so fortunate to be your parent. Happy birthday!
Birthday Wishes For Son
Know that whatever you choose to do in life I will forever be proud of you. I am especially proud this year on your birthday that you are becoming a smart, kind, and thoughtful young man.
Being a parent is never an easy task, but loving a son as precious as you are is never difficult. You bring endless wonder and love into my life. Happy birthday my son!
Birthday Wishes For Son

Best Happy Birthday Son Quotes
- Son Happy Birthday. The road ahead of you holds endless possibilities!
- Happy Birthday To My Incredible Son. You are the light in my life, who lifts me up every day!
- Happy Birthday. Sending my wonderful son a hug, lots of love, and wishing you loads of fun!
- Happy Birthday, Son! Wishing you a great year.
- Happy Birthday to the best song ever! You’re totally rad and you know it! Go celebrate. Have all the fun, and remember we love you so much!
- Happy Birthday, Son. May you always know joy. May you always choose hope. May you always feel loved no matter where in this great, big, beautiful world you roam.

Best Happy Birthday Wishes For Son
Know that when I scold you, it’s only because I care, and when I hug you, it’s always because I love you to pieces. I wish for only the best in life for you, and may your birthday be filled with lots of presents and laughter.
Birthday Wishes For Son
I hope you always head in the direction of success, my son, and whether it be in life or love, I hope that all your dreams and ambitions come true. Happy birthday!
When you were conceived, I couldn’t imagine how on earth I would manage to be a parent. Now I can’t imagine not being one. It’s all because I have a son as remarkable as you.
Birthday Wishes For Son
Thank you, my son, for coming into my life on a day such as this and getting me happy with your presence. Let us celebrate together!
Once I look at you I am rather pleased with this tender, considerate, and the affectionate guy which you’ve become! Happy birthday, my beloved son, always keep to do, I love you. I don’t have any words to say how grateful I am to God for entrusting me with all the joys of becoming life a person as unique as you!
Birthday Wishes For Son

Happy Birthday wishes to your Son
My son, your joy smile makes us more powerful, we’ll always offer the right for you, along with your growing era today, ideally more pious and progressively make us happy. Mama & Papa are pleased with you.
Happy birthday my dear, right on your birthday, Papa & Mama begs for you, it is my hope that this day will be the start of your achievement in attaining your objectives.
Birthday Wishes For Son
My child, the soul of the life, Happy birthday, dear… May you grow to be a pious kid and ideally be shielded by God.
Happy birthday to the best son I could desire, I want you to attain your goals and reach your dreams! I remember this day a couple of days before, we had been filled with happiness, although using just a tiny fear. Today I could say that it was worthwhile to see you turn into a young guy, my very best wishes are a couple to say everything I need for you.
Birthday Wishes For Son
Every day that passes I’m pleased with you. You’ve shown to be a person of honesty and ethics, and there’s not any greater pride to get a dad than to observe his son has impeccable values. I wish you a very happy birthday and that you keep on that route.
The day we anticipated a lot, the day where our small boy becomes a person, has come. Congratulations, son, we trust you’re extremely happy and you meet all of the aims of your life. Happy Birthday! Now that you’re old, seeing your smile is exactly what I desire, and that I aspire to attain it for this congratulation. Congratulations, honey, you’ve come to be a fantastic man.
Birthday Wishes For Son

Happy Birthday Son
Happy Birthday To My Wonderful Son. With every passing year, I grow more and more amazed by the man you’ve become. You are a joy to my life and so many others. Enjoy today to the fullest.
Happy Birthday To My Amazing Son. It’s always a good time for you! You’ve made me laugh a million laughs. May your birthday be full of fun-just like you!
Birthday Wishes For Son
To My Dear Son Happy Birthday. You came into my life with a bang and nothing has ever been the same! I can’t imagine life without you, and I am so proud and blessed to call you my son and my friend.
Happy Birthday. To My Fantastic Son! Throughout the years you have made me so proud of who you have become. Thank you for being so wonderful. Have a great birthday!
Birthday Wishes For Son
Happy Birthday. No matter who you celebrate with, make sure to have the best time ever! Wishing you a fun and exciting day, son. I love you very much!
You have always wanted us to treat you as an adult, so this birthday we decided to grant your wish. The cleaning and chores are all yours this year. You’re welcome!
Birthday Wishes For Son

Dear Son here is wishing you the happiest of birthdays now! Just kidding.
It’s a fantastic feeling to have a son as excellent as you. Nothing brings me more joy than to be able to smother you with love, but the best feeling in the world is when you return that love.
Every single day since the day you came into my life you’ve done nothing but amaze me. I’m so glad that I have a son who is not only charming but perfection as well.
Birthday Wishes For Son
This year I want you to know that my world is better with you in it. I could never have known how wonderful it would be to be a parent. A son like you is what every parent dreams of.
My love for you has always been free, but it’s my pride and trust that you’ve really earned over the years. I am unbelievably proud of the young man you’ve turned into.
Birthday Wishes For Son
No matter how old you get, know that you will always be my baby boy. You may not like it, but sometimes that’s the way the cookie crumbles. Happy birthday to my darling little boy.
When you were a baby, you screamed at me, when you were a teen you hardly spoke, but now that you’re a grown man your words are so very priceless to me. Here are some words for your birthday that I sincerely mean: I love you.
Birthday Wishes For Son

Sentimental Birthday Wishes to Son
Even when you are too old for a room in our house, there will always be room for you in our hearts. You will never be too old for our love and support. Happy birthday to our outstanding son!
If your birthday is only half as great as you, it will be the greatest celebration of the year. No one deserves it more than you. May your special day be filled with tons of cake and presents.
Birthday Wishes For Son
No matter what direction you take in life, I will always send you the best of wishes. I hope that this year your birthday is filled with everything you could possibly want. Happy birthday, son!
Always remember that whenever life gets too difficult for you that you can still turn to your parents. Hugs and advice will always be free from us. They might be the only things that are!
Birthday Wishes For Son
I hope that all your future birthdays are just as memorable as you are, my son. They should be because your loving parents intend on being there for every single one of them.
I look back with so much fondness and joy on all the time I’ve been blessed with you in my life. I can only hope that when you’re older, you’ll do the same. Happy birthday to my precious son!
Birthday Wishes For Son

Birthday Message for Son
I hope all your tomorrows will be filled with everything good life has to offer because having a son as wonderful and charming as you have enriched my life in so many ways.
You have such a rare gift in life: you make it so easy to love you. Happy birthday to my mischievous, darling, and absolutely adorable son. May you be healthy and happy on your special day.
Birthday Wishes For Son
As a parent, it’s my job to cherish all the special moments I get to share with you. Having a son as marvelous as you just make it so easy. Happy birthday!
I expect that with this day that you feel loved and secure because that’s our principal objective. We love you very much and wish you a fantastic birthday. Happy Birthday Son
Birthday Wishes For Son
There isn’t anything more beautiful in life than seeing a kid growing up. Today I wish to send you this message to explain to you just how much I really love you and just how much I care for your own happiness. Congratulations, honey, I hope to keep on seeing you grow for several decades.
Although I occasionally scold you, never doubt how much your mom loves you. Happy birthday, son, I hope that your day is unbeatable.
Birthday Wishes For Son
Happy Birthday Messages Son for Long
Each calendar year, you’re getting more beautiful, brighter, and much more incredible. It feels as if you are attempting to become like me! Well, anticipate your wishes to come true.
Each year, I recognize that you’re growing taller and taller. At least some regard, you’re”growing” * sigh * Well, I am happy though. Happy Birthday Son
Birthday Wishes For Son
You have been a wonderful son to us up to now. However, you know, there is still room for advancement. So do it, will you? Otherwise, it is fine also; We are good at fixing.
My entire life was moving nicely without needing to change your leftovers and awaken at midnight for one to sleep. Nonetheless, it’s not that bad . Particularly since you heard to poop. So what’s fine. Happy birthday, my son.
Birthday Wishes For Son
Recall the days when you used to attempt and conceal your browser’s history, or even the texts of your” feminine” buddies or the key exits of the nighttime by the gate? Well, I understood everything.
Happy birthday for a wonderful son that has a beautiful mum, beautiful dad and parents of all rock stars! Happy birthday son
Birthday Wishes For Son
Heartfelt Birthday Wishes For Son
One thing you may consider when you grow older is you will look as nice and great as your own parents.
We always concur with you for giving us a lot of chances to learn patience and endurance.
Birthday Wishes For Son
I expect you to celebrate your birthday how you had been born. Naked and crying. Happy Birthday!
With each passing birthday we notice that you become higher and higher. At least we’ve got some indication of you growing up. Ha-Ha! Happy birthday, son and have an excellent day.
Birthday Wishes For Son
Happy Birthday. You’re smart, funny, thoughtful, and best of all, a terrific son! I wish you a great day filled with presents and great desserts.
Happy Birthday To You. To My Dearest Son! Sending birthday wishes your way on this very important day, along with the hope for a bright and positive year ahead!
Birthday Wishes For Son
Happy Birthday, Son! Sending love and special birthday wishes your way to make sure you have a spectacular day! Hoping you enjoy your birthday and dessert too!
How Can I Write a Happy Birthday to My Son?
The day your son was born is special and memorable. There is no father or mother who will not forget this day. As a parent, presenting or sending “happy birthday wishes” for their son or daughter leaves them to feel valued, loved, and cared for; Exactly what everyone is trying to find. The search for appropriate words for this day is not always a simple undertaking. We will help you with a list of birthday wishes, messages, and quotes for your son to create cards and graphics that are the most beautiful, concise, humorous, and unique birthday wishes that can be posted on Instagram, Facebook.
- You’re the minutes of this past, the precious minutes of this gift and the guarantee of a fantastic future.
- Have a happy and healthy birthday my dear son! I hope your day is as wonderful as you are.
- We may not be perfect parents but we are lucky to have a perfect son. Happy birthday, son!
- Happy birthday my precious son! You are loved, today, tomorrow and always.
- Cakes and presents aren’t the only things which may make your kid become happy with his birthday.
- So below are a few of the best happy birthday for my son greetings and wishes you could send to your precious son.
- There are just a few parents on the planet that are fortunate enough to have been blessed with a superb son just like you.
- You make each year brighter and you continue to illuminate our lives with your smile and your kind heart. Happy birthday my son!
- Your birthday brings happy memories and a reminder of how you continue to bring joy to our lives. Happy birthday wishes to my son!
- You will always be my sunshine, my little angel. Your mother loves you so much! Happy birthday son from mom!
- On such day you were born, it looks like the whole planet has celebrated. Really, you’re extremely special to us my loved ones, lovely birthday!
You bring as much pleasure into our life. Time flies very fast and you’ve come to be so much more powerful and wiser daily but keep in mind you will always be my baby.
Funny Birthday Wishes For Son
I’m quite grateful for this year to invest with you, son. Finest Bday!
Birthday Wishes For Son
Words aren’t enough to say how pleased and happy we are to get you to our own life.
Son, here’s a special message from most of us we are so grateful that God has given such a nice young boy to be our own son. We adore you a lot, best bday!
Birthday Wishes For Son
I’m so pleased to have been given a kid who shines brighter than sunlight every day. Fantastic bday for you my loved ones. May all of your dreams and fantasies come true.
On the most adorable little guy. I would like you to understand that you are my best drug and on your birthday, all I need is to see you happy. I adore you !
Birthday Wishes For Son
People frequently say thanks to God for providing them, fantastic parents. In my scenario, I’d rather give thanks to God for giving me this amazing and handsome boy. Fantastic Birthday for your dearest son!
On the eldest son in the world, I wish you will have many more blessings to come not just on your special day however for the remainder of your life. Happy Bday!
Birthday Wishes For Son
Blessing Birthday Wishes for son
This afternoon is really the ideal day to watch because it’s the birthday of the most wonderful man in the world.
In my son, now is the day and it is time to celebrate! Fantastic birthday!
Birthday Wishes For Son
It is your day now! It is time to observe my little man! Finest birthday!
Dear son, you’re the sole reason I continue to smile each day of my entire life despite all of the disappointments and struggles. You’re the love of my life and that I will forever be grateful to God for giving you to us. Happy Birthday! I adore you!
Birthday Wishes For Son
My beloved son, remember you will always have a spot within my heart. I adore you a lot, lovely bday! I adore you my dearest son. Finest Bday!
My dearest child, you’re our greatest reward. May this birthday of yours and all of your tomorrow be full of everything that is great in life! I adore you, want your best bday!
Birthday Wishes For Son
1st Birthday Wishes For Son
Loving your son is really the best pleasure of my life. Thanks for making it effortless for me. Happiest birthday to you!
Son, we’ve always been proud of you. Our hearts are bursting with so much pride because you’ve grown into this wonderful individual, someone who’s full of joy, love, and attention. Happy birthday to you little boy!
Birthday Wishes For Son
Every day I thank God for giving me an incredible child. I am so proud of you. Best birthday wishes to my son!
Thank you for being such a great son. I am truly proud of you. Happy birthday!
Birthday Wishes For Son
You are a treasure from above, who brings me so much joy and love. Happy birthday, son!
You are my pride and joy, a man after my own heart. Happy birthday, son!
Birthday Wishes For Son
Best Happy Birthday Son From Mom Quotes
For any mother, the best thing is to see her children’s healthy growth. I’m so happy that you’ve successfully completed 10 years of your life. Congratulations dear! May you get all the love and happiness! Be very happy!
Being a parent is never a simple undertaking, but loving a kid as valuable as you’re not hard. You attract boundless wonder and love in my life. Happy birthday my own son!
Birthday Wishes For Son
Today is the most special day for me. I became a mother on this day. Thank you for coming into my life and for fulfilling me. Happy birthday, my prince! I wish every day of your life brings you new reasons to smile.
Know when I scold you, it is just because I care, and once I hug you, it is always because I adore you to bits. I wish for just the very best in life for you, and may your birthday be full of a lot of gifts and bliss.
Birthday Wishes For Son
Happy birthday, my lovely son! I’m so thankful to God that he send you as my son. You are the blessings for me and the reason for my happiness. Love you! Enjoy every moment of life!
I expect you always go on the path of success, my son, and if it is in love or life, I trust that all of your dreams and dreams come true. Happy birthday! I can not imagine not being just one. It is all because I’ve got a boy as impressive as you.
Happy Birthday Son Quotes
Dear son, no matter how much you have grown, for us, you are always going to remain our dearest and smartest baby boy. Wishing you a happy bday. May all your dreams and wishes come true!
Thanks, son for giving us the opportunity to become the best parents that you will ever have. May you have a great birthday celebration and a wonderful year ahead!
Birthday Wishes For Son
If you’re a kid, you cried at me, even when you’re a teenager you barely spoke, but that you are a grown guy your words are so quite priceless to me. Below are a few words to your birthday which I really mean: ” I adore you.
Even if you’re just too old to get a space in our home, there’ll always be space for you in our hearts. You won’t ever be too old because of our love and service. Happy birthday to our exceptional son!
birthday wishes for my little son
If your birthday is only half as good as yours, it’ll be the best party of the year. May your special day be full of plenty of cake and gifts.
Regardless of what way you choose in life, I shall always send you the very best of fantasies. I am hoping that this year your birthday is full of everything you might possibly desire. Happy birthday, kid!
birthday wishes for my little son
Always keep in mind that if life gets too hard for you that it’s still possible to turn to your own parents. Hugs and guidance will remain free of us. They may be the only things which are!
We are so lucky to have such an amazing son in the world, have the best birthday today, kiddo!
birthday wishes for my little son
Birthday Wishes For Son in Law
Unending love, undivided attention, eternal pampering, everlasting affection, and endless care. These are the things that we can do for you, our dear son. Stay happy and have an amazing birthday!
We always believe that miracles happen to one in a billion. But we have never thought that we would be among the lucky ones until we have you, our beloved son. Wonderful Birthday!
sweet birthday wishes for son
There are only a few parents in this world who are privileged enough to have been blessed with a wonderful son like you. Happy bday to you my ever-dearest son and May you grow up to be a fine young man. Status for Son
On that day that you were born, it seems like the entire world has celebrated. Indeed, you are very special to us my dearest son, a wonderful birthday!
sweet birthday wishes for son
One of the things I am thankful to God every day is for giving me an amazing son like you. Best birthday to you my ever-dearest son and I hope you will stay as sweet and loving to your family and friends. Status for Son
To my ever dearest son, thank you for bringing so much happiness to our life. On this birthday of yours, all I pray is good health for you and may you give us granddaughters and grandsons soon.
sweet birthday wishes for son
Happy Birthday Wishes To My Son
You certainly bring so much happiness to our life. Time flies really fast and you have become so much stronger and wiser each day but remember that you will always be my baby. I love you son, wonderful bday!
Words can’t start to express how amazing it’s to get a kid as great as you. If I needed to try though I’d go together: I adore you more than life itself.
short and sweet birthday wishes for son
You might be a dad now also, however you’ll always be my baby boy within my heart. I am quite happy that today you get to experience unbelievable joy and stress as I did so.
This season for your birthday I’d enjoy it if you’d blow your candles out, reduce your cake, and then be bathed on your parents’ love and adoration! May your birthday be filled with joy and tranquility.
short and sweet birthday wishes for son
There have been lots of instances in life in which you have brought me so much stress and angst, but you also have attracted me so much pleasure. I’d still love it in this season if you were able to try and keep out of trouble though! Status for Son
You’re totally cute as a youngster, you’re absolutely charming at the moment, and I’ve got a feeling you will be unbelievably spectacular later on. Happy birthday by the proudest parent on the planet.
short and sweet birthday wishes for son

Heartfelt Birthday Wishes for son from mother
You give me a lot of reasons to be proud of you: you are smart, humorous, and brave. May your birthday be full of every pleasure you could imagine this season.
Son, I would like you to know I love you very much. May your year be full of endless magic and miracle. 1 thing that I certainly do not regret it with a kid as fantastic as you. Happy birthday!
short and sweet birthday wishes for son
Happy birthday simply is not sufficient to express how good I hope your special day is.
I expect you have a great deal of fun this season on your birthday but not overly much. I guarantee you’ll want to have the ability to recall it when you are old. Happy birthday!
You’re a shining example of all that’s bright and great in my own world. I am not certain what I did in life to deserve a kid as marvelous as possible, but I am thankful for whatever it was.
You deserve a lot of things in existence: boundless attention, constant enjoyment, and unlimited support are only a couple. This year on your birthday I intend on supplying you with all the most important one of never-ending love.
I am so thankful for this another year to spend with you, son. Remember that you will always be our little angel. Best Bday!
birthday wishes for big son

Birthday wishes for son from father
Words are not enough to express how proud and happy we are to have you in our life. Happy birthday to you, our darling son.
Son here is a special message from all of us – we are so thankful that God has given such a fine young boy to us to be our son. We love you so much, best bday!
birthday wishes for my son
My heart was so filled with joy and love ever since you have been born which sometimes I think will burst. It is difficult to include all of the feelings that I have for you kid, and on your birthday I trust you are feeling a margin of just how much I adore you.
As you welcome the second chapter of your own life, I expect you to embrace it with enthusiasm and determination. A son is fantastic since you have good things ahead.
birthday wishes for my son
Once I think of you, the very first thing that comes to mind is the immense pride and love that I have for you. It knows no boundaries and has no equivalent. You’re all to me, my son.
To My Special Grandson, Happy Birthday. You shine in every way! I’m so proud of the amazing person you are and hope this year brings you everything you’ve been wishing for. The sky’s the limit for you, today and always!

Happy Birthday Wishes for a Grandson
Happy Birthday To My Wonderful Grandson. May all your dreams take flight and all your wishes come true. Here’s to amazing, wonderful you!
For My Grandson, Happy Birthday. You are one of the best gifts that I have ever received. I am so happy to have a wonderful grandson like you.
birthday wishes for my son
- Happy birthday to the best ice cream friend a mother could ask for
- Happy birthday to the best ice cream friend a daddy could request
- You fill my day with a lot of happy moments and exceptionally precious memories. I return to my time with you without complete gratification and delight.