Girls attitude status in Hindi and English: आज की पोस्ट विशेष रूप से उन लड़कियों के लिए है जो (प्यारी हो, mute हो या थोड़ी सी attitude हो) जीवन को attitude में गले लगाती हैं और किसी भी चीज से पीछे नहीं हटती हैं।. Here you will find the most amazing Attitude Status for Girl with Hindi and English Font and Girl Attitude Status Dp and images with #HindiDp.
Girls Attitude Status
Hence, without wasting time, let us read these lovely attitude status and put these Beautiful & Cute Pics on your social media profile and posts (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp).

Girls attitude status in Hindi
दिखती हूं Sweet, Innocent and Swami Type की,
Girls attitude status in Hindi and English
But Actual में हूं.. मै बहुत बड़े हरामी Type की…
आप नखरों की बात करते हैं,
जनाब हमारे तो झुमके भी भारी हैं…Girls Attitude Status in Hindi and English
Attitude तो अपना भी खतरनाक है जिसे भुला दिया उसे भुला दिया,
Girls attitude status in Hindi and English
फिर एक ही शब्द याद रहता है Who are you…

जो सोच लिया वही करती हूं,
मै वो लड़की नही जो हर किसी पे मरती हूं.!Girls Attitude Status in Hindi and English
तेरा Attitude मेरे सामने Chiller है,
Girls attitude status in Hindi and English
क्योंकि मेरी Smile कुछ ज्यादा ही Killer है…
जिस दिन सब्र करना छोड़ देंगे,
उस दिन सबका Gurur तोड़ देंगे…Girls Attitude Status in Hindi and English
जिद्दी तो बहुत हूं मैं क्या करूं,
Girls attitude status in Hindi and English
पापा ने कभी Koi ख्वाहिश अधूरी ही नही छोड़ी…
आप Feshion की बात करते हो जनाब,
लोग हमें सिम्पल देखकर जलते hain…🔥Girls Attitude Status in Hindi and English
जो मुझसे जलें Vo थोड़ा साइड से चलें,
Girls attitude status in Hindi and English
अगर तब Bhi दिक्कत हो तो कहीं जाकर डूब मरें..!
Hum अपना वक्त बर्बाद नही करते,
जो हमे भूल गए हम उन्हे याद Nhi करते.!Girls Attitude Status in Hindi and English
हैसियत का परिचय Tab देंगे,
Girls attitude status in Hindi and English
जब बात आत्मसम्मान Ki होगी!
अपनी नजरों में काफी अच्छी Hun मैं,
सबकी नजरों का मैने ठेका नही Le रखा…Girls Attitude Status in Hindi and English
बेटा मै नफ़रत Bhi औकात देखकर करती हूँ,
Girls attitude status in Hindi and English
फिर प्यार तो बहुत दूर Ki बात है। 🤟🏻😎
Tere Attitude से लोग जलते होंगे,
मगर मेरे Attitude पर तो लोग मरते Hain…Girls Attitude Status in Hindi and English
मासूमियत To रग रग में है मेरे,
Girls attitude status in Hindi and English
बस जुबान की Hi बदतमीज हूँ.!
शरीफ हैं Hum किसी से 😏 लड़ते नही❌,
पर जमाना जानता है किसी Ke बाप से डरते नही.। 🖕🏻
कुछ इसलिए Bhai खामोश रहती हूँ, 😌
जब बोलती हूँ तो धज्जियाँ उड़ा देती Hun… 🖕🏻
Girls Best Attitude Status List:
- घमंड नहीं है बस जहां दिल नहीं करता वहां बात नही करती।
- जलने वालों पर घी डाले Aur बोलो स्वाहा…
- पगले शेरनी की भूख Aur हमारा लुक दोनो ही जानलेवा है।
- Na सजा ना माफ़ी जलने वालो के लिए अपनी Selfie ही काफी।
- Mere मस्त मस्त दो नैन, Tu मेरा भाई मै तेरी बहन.💁🏻♀️
- आफत नहीं जो Tal जाऊंगी, आदत हूँ… लग जाउंगी…
- हमेशा Yaad रखती हूँ कि, मै सबसे Unique हूँ।
- रूठों को मनाना ,😤और गैरों 🖕🏻को हँसाना हमें पसंद नही.!❌
- हर कोई Mera दोस्त नही 😌 और मेरे Dost जैसा कोई दोस्त Nhi ❌
- लाख Na पसंद करे कोई 😤🖕🏻 रत्ती Bhar भी Na बदलूंगी साफ़ कहती हूँ..
Girls Attitude Status in English
Whether you’re using WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, these girl attitude quotes and messages will make your social media posts stand out.
View the table of contents and jump directly to the section of best girl attitude quotes that you are looking for – clever, motivational, beauty, funny, savage, love and relationship, single.
- I was born to express myself, not to impress.
- You can have nature, class, and attitude.
- I won’t change for anyone because I am who I am.
- When I need expert advice, I talk to myself.
- Number ONE requires being the odd man out.
- I’m lost, don’t follow me.
- My attitude will reply to your ego if you speak to it.
- The hate me because they can’t take me down.
- A compromise of my dreams is something I hate.
- You don’t become pretty by hating me.
- Dress well; be attractive; and make money.
- The choices I make make me unique, like fingerprints.
- It’s impossible to spell awesome without ME.
- There’s no point in proving myself anymore. So long as I am happy with myself, I don’t care what other people think!
- It’s my specialty to do the impossible.
- Signature, style, and identity are my own.
- I am me and that’s all I can be…I am not perfect and never wanted to be…but I am happy with who I am no matter what people think of me, and being me is great.
- No matter what, I’m always classy, a little bit sassy, and never trashy.
- There is no doubt that I am one of a kind, even if I’m not perfect.
- I live by my rules, that’s my attitude…
- I will be judged at first, and I will be loved at the end.
- I never look back unless the view is good.
- The majority of my time is spent in the privacy of my home. There is no need to ask, there is no need to tell.
Clever Girl Attitude Quotes Status
- Everyone is unique in their own way.
- Eagles fly alone so don’t be afraid of being outnumbered. A flock of pigeons gathers together.
- If you’re going to judge me, make sure that you’re perfect first.
- Having high expectations of themselves often leads to people falling short of their own expectations.
- The weirder you are, the more fun you will have.
- They are the ones who fall hard into the depths of greed and shame when their heads are above the clouds and their egos are as high as towers.
- It is impossible to define me, neither as a word, nor as a line, I am who I am.
- Those who are uncaring to me do not matter to me.
- A person can be defeated very easily, but it is very hard to win a person.
- Remember to never sacrifice your dignity, self respect, or self-respect for someone you love!!
Motivational Girl Attitude Quotes Status
- Haters are my biggest motivators!
- Let’s make it happen and shock everyone.
- Attitude is just as important as ability in determining success.
- Always think positively, like a proton.
- Whether you’re winging it with Eyeliner, Life, or everything, just do it.
- When people say I’ve changed but they’ve never met me before
- Don’t stress, do your best, and let the rest go.
- Those who are determined to succeed will never let failure get the better of them.
- Think about yourself as you want the world to. In any case, it’s none of your business.
- Either I win or I learn, I never lose.
- I did it because they told me I couldn’t.
- Positivity can make dreams come true – it did for me.
- Definitely! I’m unique. Do you have a problem with that?
- Life is awesome without any rules.
- I’m too busy enjoying the things that make me happy to dwell on my pain.
- Boys, I love you! Zero is a hero without o.
- Face your enemy without anger. Instead, rise and greet them with a smile. There is nothing more insulting than seeing your enemy happy and unconcerned.
Beauty Girl Attitude Quotes Status
- Beauty begins in the mind, not in the mirror.
- Even though you can’t understand them, girls are still beautiful even when you don’t understand them.
- Beauty myths always prescribe behavior, not appearance.
- Beauty is transient and changes over time.
- Beautiful girls always have the right idea.
- The cosmetic industry is a boon to every woman, but a girl’s best beauty aid is still a near-sighted man.
- When you treat me like a queen, I’ll treat you like a king.
- I am classy and fabulous. Greetings! I’m a girl!
- Beauty has no weight limit.
- When a woman’s passions define her more than her looks, she is beautiful.
- Don’t be afraid to look in the mirror and see how beautiful you are.
- The most precious things are found where no one looks.
- Smart and witty beats pretty and fake.

Funny Girl Attitude Quotes Status
- Go to bed if nothing goes right.
- Better than your ex, and cooler than your next.
- People say you can’t live without love, but I think oxygen is more important
- Those who don’t know me think I’m shy when I’m quiet. Those who know me think: OMG! Thinks she’s thinking! Everyone runs for their lives.
- I wish I could eat without getting fat! The dream of every girl 🤔
- It’s funny how people tell me to be quiet when I’m loud. When I am quiet, people ask me what’s wrong with me.
- Confuse them if you can’t convince them.
- When you have to be nice to something you want to hurl a brick at, I hate it.
- I wish I had ‘Google’ in my head and ‘Antivirus’ in my heart.
- The society is funny. Neither are they accepting of you as you are and yet they judge you.
- My like won’t be found anywhere else. The reason I call myself ‘limited edition’ is because I am unique.
Also read: Punjabi Attitude Status For Whatsapp